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Corrective Jaw Surgery

Orthognathic surgery will be required when your jaws don't meet correctly or if your teeth just don't seem to fit within the jaws. The teeth can be straightened out with orthodontic treatments, but a misaligned jaw will need corrective jaw surgery to repair. Not only does this procedure improve the appearance of the face, but it will help to ensure that your teeth are functioning properly and meeting correctly.

GettyImages 511735262 Orthognathic Surgery Candidates
The people who are best suited to pursue orthognathic surgery are individuals with an improper bite or jaws that seem to be positioned incorrectly. These might not be problems that are apparent right away, as jaw growth will occur gradually. In some cases, your lower or upper jaws will grow at different rates, so while you may not have had a problem in your younger years, surgery may be needed later on, especially if you begin to experience problems chewing, speaking clearly, or with your oral health. Additionally, a traumatic injury can also impact your jaw alignment.

If you are experiencing any of the following problems, you should be evaluated to see if corrective jaw surgery might be a good option:

•  Difficulty with chewing, swallowing, or biting
•  An unbalanced facial appearance
•  Birth defects
•  Receding chin or lower jaw
•  Excessive wear or damage to the teeth
•  Speech issues
•  TMJ pain
•  Chronic jaw pain
•  Open bite
•  Chronic mouth breathing
•  Sleep apnea that isn't helped by other methods
•  Breathing problems
•  A protruding jaw

These symptoms could be present since birth after being acquired due to hereditary factors, or they may also occur as a result of a traumatic injury to the face.

Jaw Surgery Consultation
Before you have any treatment, a consultation will be needed, including x-rays. During this process, we encourage you to ask any questions that you have regarding treatment. When you have all of the information about your care, we will work with you to make an informed decision with how to proceed.
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5900 Cubero Dr. NE, #A, Albuquerque, NM 87109

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